Tuesday, November 20, 2012

First Halloween

We never posted pictures from Halloween!
It was really fun.  I saw so many superheroes and princesses...Mom wouldn't let me see the bad guys.  We gave them a ton of candy.  I can't wait until I can eat candy...
 Look it's a pumpkin!!  We carved some at our friend Jane and Andrew's house.  They wouldn't let me carve anything though.
I dressed up as a giraffe for Halloween.  Not very scary...

Reading time

Books are so amazing!  I just love cozying up with a good book.
Of course, I get into my typical lounge position...

We don't watch TV in our house...I've never watched it before!  I wonder why everyone loves it so much when there are so many great books and toys to play with...my favorite is sitting on a blanket in the yard and blowing bubbles.


I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananays!

Seriously, I loooove bananas.
Mom thought I was just being so funny eating my banana yesterday.  She wouldn't get that camera out of my face.  So I put on my best smile and even smeared some banana on my cheeks for the photo ops.  Look how much fun I was having!

You may be wondering...how do I eat so fast?
Well it's simple.  I just grab as much banana as I can and then shove it all into my mouth.  Sometimes it helps to use 2 hands.  
 Yes!!!  I am so excited!
 Grab banana
 Shovel it in
 Grab banana
 Shove it in

 You try...

 Sometimes a little gets on your face but that's ok.
 Look!  You can see my teef!

 Then Daddy came over and distracted me...he always makes me smile!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More hiking

My Mom and Dad just love trudging through the forest...They are always wanting to go hiking.  This was the longest hike that I've ever been on.  First we found this really steep embankment that Daddy drove up to get us close to the trail.  When we got to the top, the traction on the tires started slipping and we were sitting on a steep hill.  Mom freaked out and demanded that he put on the emergency brake so that she could get me out....then he could do whatever he wanted, including sliding down the hillside.  So I missed all the fun.
Mom and I stood on the top, while Daddy and Cinder, very responsibly, backed down the big steep embankment and parked down at the bottom.  whew...Mom really knows how to overreact. 
 Anyway, first we took the wrong trail and ended up at the top of an overlook where there was a tomb built into the side of the cliff inside of a cave.  There were lots of weird Japanese engravings, who knows what they said.

 Mom carried me on the way to the top.  It took an hour to get to the lookout.

Ooops, I took a nap.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I loooove to be outside.  It's my favorite.  There are so many sounds and colors! 
Last weekend I got to ride on Daddy's back while we hiked around the Yuri Castle Ruins.  It was really neat. 

 My Daddy is so cool. I hope I'm just like him someday.

They bought a cool Kelty backpack carrier for me that can also double as a stroller.  It will be perfect for our trip to Vietnam in a few weeks.


Look!  I have 2 teefs coming in...they hurt and make me wake up in the middle of the night.  It took Mommy forever to finally get a picture of them.  Now, let's zoom for the real story.